jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

The Wisdom of Ancient Egypt

THOT is the God of Knowledge, Wisdom and Sacred Sciences was 
“Big Three Times”,  including “Three Times Very Large” TRISMEGISTUS while Great King,Great Sage and High Priest.  Pharaonic Egypt was the country of the Elders. For over three millennia, its main concern was finding spiritual fulfillment through the implementation of the wisdom embodied in a goddess Maât. 
Maât is righteousness, the law, the truth, accuracy and Justice,  the immutable Rule of the Universe, coherence, solidarity. Strongly opposes Isefet, chaos, clutter, procrastination, evil in all its forms...

Translator Brother Emilio Ruiz Figuerola 32°

Em.·.R.·.Brother Guillermo Calvo Soriano, 
R.·.L.·.S.·.José de San Martín N° 36 - Lima - Peru.
University Professor.

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